Name : Tiara Maharani Class : 4C NIM : 2223210043 Reading As Part of Writing A. Approaching Reading With academic reading, it is necessary to maintain a constant grip on what the author is saying. Yet, many academic texts are densely written in unfamiliar ways which makes them much more difficult to manage than, for example, a novel or a magazine article. Although sometimes there may be reasons why you need to skim-read an article or book, this is likely to be only to get the general gist of what is being said, as a strategy for deciding whether it is appropriate reading material or not. In general, skim-reading is not a useful strategy for reading as a student, but you may well be used to doing this in other contexts, for example, skimming through a newspaper article, or skipping through a novel, not bothering much about learning or pronouncing the names of characters or places and paying little attention to some of the more complicated parts of the plo...